Case Studies
Market Research
Case Study I
New Product Introduction
A client had developed a novel raw material to be used in the coatings industry. The client did not have an active coatings business and had to first understand the dynamics of the industry. Orr & Boss put together an overview of the global coatings industry for the client. Then we provided introductions to the coatings companies for our client.
Results: Our client was able to successfully initiate several joint technical developments with coatings companies and is now selling their product to the coatings industry.
Case Study II
Market Segment Study
A coatings company was interested in better understanding the global market for its products. The company was interested in increasing its market share and wanted to understand the key buying factors that drove the purchase decision. Orr & Boss conducted nearly 100 interviews with customers, distributors, and other experts who worked in the industry. We were able to identify the key sub-segments of the market, growth rates of each sub-segment, as well as the market share of each sub-segments. We were also able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of our client’s product offering from the customer and market perspective.
Results: We were able to make several actionable recommendations that allowed our client to implement changes to their business and they have since started exceeding their growth expectations.
Client Involvement
Two Perspectives, Working Towards One Goal
The Orr & Boss approach is to solve problems jointly with our clients, not simply for them. This collaborative effort leverages a client’s understanding of its own business with our objective view and expertise in problem solving.
Case Study III
Voice of the Customer
A client in the paint & coatings industry wanted to better understand how its customers felt about its product and service offerings. Orr & Boss conducted over 100 interviews globally. With these interviews, we were able to discern our client’s strengths and weaknesses. We then put together a list of actionable recommendations to not only correct its weaknesses but take advantage and build upon its strengths.
Results: As a result of our study, our client is now implementing our recommendations. The company is seeing improvement in its market share.