Our History & Philosophy
From the very beginning, our philosophy has been to create value for our clients by improving their profitability
In 1947, Leslie Orr and Harold Boss founded Orr & Boss in London England. Messrs Orr and Boss were pioneers in operations management and management consulting. From the very beginning, our philosophy has been to create value for our clients by improving their profitability. Leslie Orr and Harald Boss made it clear from the beginning that our interests is our client’s interest. In other words, we are here to help you grow and become more profitable.
From the very beginning, our philosophy has been to create value for our clients by improving their profitability.
Starting in the 1970s, Orr & Boss began to specialize in the Coatings, Adhesives & Sealants, and Elastomers (CASE) industries. In the 1980s, we moved our international headquarters from London to North America. In the 1990s, Orr & Boss started offering market research and acquisition support services to our operations consulting practice. In the 2000s, our firm has expanded to include consultant around the world including the Netherlands, China, Argentina, and other locations globally. Our firm is now headquartered in Toronto, Ontario Canada with regional offices located in these countries as well as others around the world.